19 DEC 2013 by ideonexus

 Specialization is Differentiation

The proliferation of subcults is most evident in the world of work. Many subcults spring up around occupational specialties. Thus, as the society moves toward greater specialization, it generates more and more subcultural variety. The scientific community, for example, is splitting into finer and finer fragments. It is criss-crossed with formal organizations and associations whose specialized journals, conferences and meetings are rapidly multiplying in number. But these "open" distinctions ...
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Toffler explores the phenomenon of specialization in the sciences, producing subcults and subsubcults.

01 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 Carl Sagan Summarizes Evolution of Life On Earth

Eventually, many billions of years ago, a molecule was formed that had a remarkable capability. It was able to produce, out of the molecular building blocks of the surrounding waters, a fairly accurate copy of itself. In such a molecular system there is a set of instructions, a molecular code, containing the sequence of building blocks from which the larger molecule is constructed. When, by accident, there is a change in the sequence, the copy is likewise changed. Such a molecular system – ...
Folksonomies: evolution big history
Folksonomies: evolution big history
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From molecules competing for materials, to life, all the way up to humans.